Contact Us

We have a lot of great items available in our online store for easy ordering, like Unicorn Cakes, Minecraft Themed Cakes, and more! Visit our online store to see what is available! 



For a custom order quote, please submit your request by using the form below (we typically respond within 48-72 hours). 

If you have trouble with the online store, website, or have a question about an order already placed, you may send us a message through the Chat Feature in the bottom right corner or email us at Please be sure to include a correct email address so we may respond.

For pick-up orders, our licensed home bakery is located at 136 Terwillinger Rd, Chesapeake, VA 23323. Pick-up is by appointment only.  We do not accept orders in person (exception: wedding consultations).

NEED SOMETHING SHIPPED TO YOU? Click here to visit our sister site,, to place an order for shipping. We do NOT ship from our original website. Thanks!
